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As an organization, all Oxford Diamond Divas activities and events will be held to the guidelines set by the CDC.   We will only be involved in events that are also held to those standards at this time.

How will this going to work? 


First of all, PLEASE use your best judgement! If your child is sick, keep them home. 

At practice/games, when in the dugout, all players will keep their equipment at least 6' apart.  The boundaries of the dugout has been extended to the length of the fence going down the side of the field.  They are required to wear a face covering in the dugout.  They will not have to wear it in the field.   They can pull it down to take a drink and then put back up.  We will follow 6' of separation for social distancing to the best of our ability.  

Players are required to have their own labeled water bottle.  Players are to use hand sanitizer before and after practice and every time they come in the dugout.   Hand sanitizer will be provided.

Each team will limit the amount of balls they use. Before and after each practice, the balls will be wiped down with a disinfectant.   Girls will keep all their equipment they are not using in their bags.   There will be no sharing of bats, masks, helmets or gloves.    If you need to buy a bat, let me know, I will help you through the process.

Parents/Family Members/Friends 

The dugouts, bleachers and players are off limits while we are at practices and games.   Please stay at least 25' from these areas at all times.   Make sure the kids hydrate during the day before practices and games and that they come to practice will a full labeled water bottle.

Please understand, these guidelines are subject to change should conditions around us get better or worse.   You will be notified immediately via email should a change to these guidelines occurs.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call.  


Bob Van Zyl
President, Oxford Diamond Divas 12uTT



CDC Guidelines and ODD Actions

  • Primary point of contact for all questions related to COVID-19, and all parents, athletes, officials, and coaches must be provided the person’s contact information. 

Oxford Diamond Divas:   Bob Van Zyl   (610) 299 7037

  • Should a player show signs of or test positive for COVID-19, it is required that Oxford Diamond Divas be notified ASAP.  This player is to quarantine themselves from team activities until they are approved to return by their treating physician.  Documentation from the treating physician will be required.  Failure to report to the organization a player that is ill could result in termination from the organization as well as any fees paid to the organization.  

Upon the organization being notified, a message will be sent out via TeamSnap.  The organization will notify other parents that there has been a chance of exposure and the team will quarantine for a min of 7 days. Players will monitor and report immediately if any symptoms are observed. All individual player equipment will need to be sterilized by each player’s family before returning to the field.

  • Hand sanitizer will be provided for each team during practices and games.  Whenever a player enters the dugout area they will be given hand sanitizer.  This includes before and after games and practices.

  • All coaches will wear face coverings during practices and games unless they are in a position where they are at least 10' away from others.  If a coach feels wearing a mask is going to jeopardize their health then they will need to take the season off.

  • Players and their equipment will be spaced out at least 8' apart while in the dugouts.   All the bleacher seating at our fields will be closed and off limits to spectators.    General seating for spectators will start a minimum of 25' away from the dugouts.  Spectators will need to practice social distancing as well.  Immediate families may congregate but everyone else should work to stay more than 6’ apart.   There will be no dugout visitation from family or friends during the games or practices unless there is an  injury. 

If a parent wishes to stay for practice, we ask that you either remain in your vehicle or at least 35’ from the dugouts at all times.  Bleachers are closed until further notice. 

We are going to also ask that players refrain from. High fives, hand slaps, hand shakes, etc…

  • When you arrive at the field with your player, there will now be a drop off location.   A representative will be there to take your players temperature with a touchless, infrared thermometer.   If your player has a fever of 100.4 or higher, they will not be permitted to attend the activity (practice or game). Your player will also be asked a series of questions related to possible symptoms that may include, but not limited to, any of the following: 

  • Fever or chills, Cough, Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, Fatigue, Muscle or body aches, Headache, New loss of taste or smell, Sore throat, Congestion or runny nose, Nausea or vomiting, Diarrhea

  • Please make sure your player has enough to drink to last the entire game or practice.   Also please make sure there container is marked with their name so there is no potential confusion as to who’s drink it is.

  • Please, no food of any type during the games or practices.  We will come up with alternate form of expression for not only our own team but others.

  • Each player is going to be required to have their own personal equipment.   Helmet, fielders mask, glove and bat.    I know in the past we have had common bats throughout the season but we can no longer do this.   If you need help deciding what bat to get your player, please contact

  • There will be a minimum of 30-45 minutes between games.   Should a team leave a dugout after a game, that dugout will be sterilized with a mix of bleach and water and given ample time to dry before a new team can entire a dugout.  

  • Simple, Oxford Diamond Divas won't be having concessions stands unless mandated to.

Oxford Diamond Divas is a trademark exclusively used by Robert Van Zyl    2017 and beyond

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